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    October 15, 2012       

  • October 15, 2012 -- Students lessons in court and republic pep talk (39:15 )
    Learning from students experiences in court. The first student learns, after court, of the mistakes that he made that lead to his failure. It is important to learn the rules of court and to listen to the case call. The case they call may not be the case you are expecting. The second student learns the lesson of staying on point. Do not allow the court to distract you from your purpose. The third student learned the importance of rebutting the presumption that he was the ALL CAPS name and was there after arrested. The fourth student learns the lessons of keeping his probation contracts. Gordon gives a pep talk on how to be a responsible creditor in the republic and not to be governed by fear. Please read James Allen on "As A Man Thinketh". Gordon talks more on his time in prison.
  • October 15, 2012 -- Conditional acceptance for an arraignment oral and written (6:03 )
    Conditional acceptance for an arraignment and a written conditional acceptance.
  • October 15, 2012 -- Role playing with an IRS agent (6:34 )
    student is wanting to learn more about how to deal with an IRS agent in the middle of the admin process.
  • October 15, 2012 -- Using the admin process to settle an IRS tax bill (13:24 )
  • October 15, 2012 -- Criminal court case motion to continue and a warrant (13:07 )
    A student learns how to incorporate the admin process into a criminal court case to extent time for a trial. Student also learns how to accept a warrant in court.
  • October 15, 2012 -- Another traffic case-Leave it alone (9:09 )
    Student did not understand what was happening in traffic court and missed a court date. The state owns your vehicle and therefore it must be registered.
  • October 15, 2012 -- How to identify yourself to taxing agencies (0:59 )
  • October 15, 2012 -- Can we take the courts bonds (1:28 )
  • October 15, 2012 -- Credit card court case (6:09 )
    A student did not respond to a court summons and wants to know what to do. Gordon explains the use of a forgive me letter and asking for forgiveness to extend time for the hearing. What collateral is fair game for a debt collector?
  • October 15, 2012 -- Dealing with a Bench Warrant for contempt in family court and child support (14:28 )
    Also a case where the defendant never received a notice or summons and is now a problem.