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    November 5, 2012       

  • November 5, 2012 -- Students success stories and lessons and the appreciation for the ruthless democracy and lying attorneys (50:11 )
    Fransisco and Fabiola worked to open a restaurant only to find that they were not able to due to fraud committed by the landlord. With Gordon's help, they were able to obtain remedy and start over again. David was facing a criminal charge and learned many lessons from Gordon. A discussion on the Republic versus Democracy and the true nature of government.The responsibility that a Sovereign must take to be free and the appreciation of a ruthless militant government.Reminder: the courts are CLAIMS courts. When entering, you better have a claim.
  • November 5, 2012 -- Fransisco and Fabiolas success story (6:32 )
    Fransisco and Fabiola worked to open a restaurant only to find that they were not able to due to fraud committed by the landlord. With Gordon's help, they were able to obtain remedy and start over again.
  • November 5, 2012 -- An attorneys true duty does NOT belong to the client (4:41 )
    An attony comes clean: A client of Gordon's asked her attorney why he threw his client (Her Husband) under the bus and he told her "Because my first duty is to the court Ma'am, not the client".
  • November 5, 2012 -- What is the purpose of the new X- process (1:02 )
  • November 5, 2012 -- Another way to understand the constitution and the game of contracts (4:46 )
    Consider the constitution as articles of incorporation for a corporation.
  • November 5, 2012 -- What does it mean when a Judge exits the courtroom (9:49 )
    Learning what it means for you when the Judge leaves the courtroom and the way you may want to respond. If your business is done(in criminal court), then you may want to demand your release upon completion of your business. Also, a way to respond if you are in a locked cage in the courtroom.
  • November 5, 2012 -- How to settle multiple cases that are combined into one (2:22 )
  • November 5, 2012 -- More on why Judges leave the courtroom (4:15 )
    Student recounts his experience on why Judges leave the courtroom and advice given to him by an attorney. It is called the Judge abandoning the bench. Gordon gives his advice on how to respond to an abandoned court.
  • November 5, 2012 -- Can we use an attorney as a witness for the admin process and debt verification (8:44 )
    This is the case of an collection agency case. A short discussion on debt verification.
  • November 5, 2012 -- Come from- will contracting work for you everytime (4:37 )
    If you act as an enemy of the state and use contracting to justify your action, then you may ending losing for life. In other words, do not go committing crimes on purpose and expect the contracting game to win every time. Eventually, you will lose.
  • November 5, 2012 -- Will submitting a bond to the IRS result in a personal visit (0:26 )
  • November 5, 2012 -- How do you get a refund from the IRS after settlement of an account (0:48 )
    If while you are settling an IRS issue, can you get the money back that they took while closing the admin process?
  • November 5, 2012 -- Is a ucc-1 part of Gordons process (1:07 )
  • November 5, 2012 -- Study Resources (2:00 )
  • November 5, 2012 -- More about asking for forgiveness (0:45 )
  • November 5, 2012 -- This government is the best and we need to learn how to use it (4:44 )